Art Direction | Production | Design


(c) j. mccabe 

(c) j. mccabe


I am a creatively focused generalist who works with all things design. In May 2013, I earned a Master of Arts in Publishing and Writing at Emerson College with a focus on Production & Design. Currently operating out of Huville Makerspace, I work in a collaborative setting with colleagues to produce high-quality, forward-thinking designs in a variety of mediums for a wide range of clients. 

Previous positions include: Associate Designer for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Production Assistant for Redivider Literary/Visual Publication; Publishing Associate at Bibliomotion Books & Media; Film/Video Intern at the Walker Art Center; Design Intern at William Lavigne Design Inc.; Editor of Murphy Square Literary/Visual Publication; Coffee Stylist for Target Corporate; Production Assistant for Bizarre Foods and Universal Studios. Additionally I am a professional putterer, talker, positive-thinker, organizer, copywriter, barista, & brainstormer.